
Horror at Homecoming

I like the option to adjust to party size and gender. Also lots of choices in themes and all of the included print outs. I also played a different companies at a friends party. There were actors and then everyone else did interviews and tried to solve the mystery. It’s more fun to have a part

The future is bright for all but one at Mayhem High…

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Setting the Scene

In this disco murder mystery, the future is bright for all but one at Mayhem High…

In the midst of a winning football season, school pride is running rampant at the high school. Not only is competition fierce on the football field, but the students are battling it out for grades, popularity, affection, class ranking as well as the coveted homecoming king and queen title.

With so much excitement surrounding the election, everyone is planning on being in attendance at the dance to see who will be crowned royalty.

Will it be the class president who is looking to extend his reign past the student council?
The pom pon captain who has used her moves to land more than a homecoming court nomination?
Or possibly the math team captain who is desperate to win at something other than a math meet.

While competition breeds excellence, it will also make one guest commit an act of vengeance…

At the dance, the sinister will shimmy among the sinless and try to go unnoticed. With their futures on the line, it will be up to the students and staff of Mayhem High to make sure the felon does not go free.

Join us for a night of dancing and deceit at a homecoming dance filled with dishonor.

Disco Murder Mystery

Guest Info

Party Tips

The details make all the difference! Here are all the tips you’ll need to make your disco-themed murder mystery party to die for.

Costume Ideas

Get your creative costuming ideas here!


How to create the perfect party feel!


Food & Music

Baffled about what you can serve for your party - check here!

How To Play A Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery Party Game FAQs

First-time host/hostesses need not be wary. Night of Mystery parties have everything you need to throw a successful party and are designed to be easy-to-run.

If you want to play along, you can! As host, you will want to read the host’s guide in full to ensure that you are setting the game up correctly WITHOUT letting you know who the murderer is!

Then sit back, relax, and enjoy the MURDER!

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Excellent Question! And one that needs more explaining, please see the “How to Play” Page of our site and/or download a preview file to get a complete understanding of how our mysteries are run!

Download an introduction file for more info.

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Yes. We have invitations you can download at any time to send out to your guests. (We recommend you do this before purchasing if you are unclear of your guest count.)

Once you order, you will have access to your party pdf as well as email invitations with character descriptions included for your guests. See a sample emailable invite with character description here.

YES! As host, you get to decide how much or little you know about the murder.

If you want to play along, you will want to read the host’s guide in full to ensure that you are setting the game up correctly WITHOUT letting you know who the murderer is in this murder mystery party game!

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This will depend on (a) the version of party you order and (b) what you/they want to do at the party.

Some murder mystery party game rules say (generally the smaller 6-8 guest and 8-12 guest versions) have the victim rise and become the investigator after their “death.”

Since the victim does not know who murdered them, they can still play along and try to guess the murderer using their previous background knowledge and their money in order to bribe and blackmail others and derive their secrets from one another.

If you have a larger version, and you have not assigned the investigator (they are generally listed as the first person to eliminate for this reason), then the victim will need to become the investigator.

If you have assigned the investigator, but have an extra role that is not already filled, the victim can become this person (if you order the 20-80 player version, this will always be an option).

If the victim wishes to do nothing, they can do that as well. Some guests really enjoy playing along “dead” and trying to figure out who killed them.

Are You Up for
the Challenge?