
Guest Info


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Jessica Rochester – Rick’s Ex-wife. A man-izing ex-wife and business partner of the late Rick Rochester. She has had her flings over the years, but can anyone ever really replace her first true love? 

Jasmine Rochester – Rick’s Widow. As Rick’s current wife and mother of his three children, has Jasmine outgrown the ‘perfect’ marriage with the ‘perfect’ husband?  

Allison Rochester – Rick’s Eldest Daughter. Allison was daddy’s little girl, but as she got older, Allison didn’t always do as daddy would have liked. 

Katherine Rochester-Nichol – Rick’s Daughter. The oldest of the twins, Katherine tried to gain daddy’s attention and affection by marrying the perfect male heir. 

Adam Nichol – Rick’s Son-In-Law. Upon marriage, Adam was accepted into the family business and he has been moving up the ranks quickly ever since. Could he have wanted more from Rick Rochester than the marriage of his daughter? 

Elizabeth Rochester – Rick’s Daughter. The youngest of Rick’s twin daughters, Elizabeth has been stirring up family trouble since birth. 

Faith Rochester – Rick’s Sister. Faith has been living off of Rick’s wealth for years. Can she afford her lifestyle now that Rick is gone? Or will it only improve… 

Michael Rochester – Rick’s Nephew. Michael is expecting to inherent millions–is he as misguided as his mother? 

Jean Thoughtful – Family Psychologist. The secrets Jean knows are on the most personal and intimate level… feelings that some may kill for! 

Geoffrey Worthers – Butler. As Rick’s long term, devoted personal servant for over twenty years, there is little that he does not know about Rick, or his dying wishes. 

Josephine Worthers – Maid. Her service over the years is something that she feels MUST be rewarded.  

Neal Worthers – Chauffeur. Born and raised at Mystery Manor, Neal’s parents were the maid and butler for the Rochester family. Upon death, Neal isn’t expecting much from Rick Rochester, for that is what he felt he got through all the years. 

Sam Cook – Chef. Sam knows not only what is brewing in the kitchen, but also the rest of the manor. 

Fabio Fabulous – Pool Boy. A more recent employee acquired by Mrs. Rochester. Fabio was hired to keep the pool, amongst others, in tip-top shape. 

Reilly Ravish – Rick’s Lawyer. Rick kept them busy with all of his legal issues, including revisions to his will, even on his dying day. 

Jon Jacobs – Rick’s Closest Friend. Appearing out of nowhere, Rick’s long lost friend has come to honor his confidant’s memory, while others question a hidden agenda. 

Officer Welsh – Detective. Officer Welsch has some hot leads on who the murderer may be… and they all lead to this gathering. 

Tanya Tease – Rick’s Personal Assistant. The question is, how personal was their relationship? 

Bobby Bucks – Rick’s Accountant. Bobby managed all of Rick’s personal and business accounts. Could how he handled the books over the years determine the wealth that is left? 

Arty Buyer – Investment Specialist. Rick’s go-to associate with knowledge of the art world. Did Rick depend on Arty for more than their advice.  

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From fanatical family members to scandalous servants (and everything in between!), you can find a lot of the elements to your outfit in your closet and the key to “making it special” could be that over-the-top wig or that extra prop or accessory you add to make it HIL-ARIOUS! 


  • Fancy outfits
  • Anything to show wealth –
    • gold cane
    • expensive jewelry
    • mink stolls
    • fur coats
    • feather boas
    • watch piece
  • Suit with jacket
  • Bow tie
  • Top hat
  • Money tucked into places, like lapel, hatband, etc.
  • Cuff links
  • Ball gowns
  • A cane


  • Boas
  • Wigs (think any variety)
  • Facial hair
  • BLING!
  • Gold or silver accesorries of any type
  • Fancy headress
  • Cigarette extension holders
  • Props of any sort!
  • LARGE hats
  • Fake eyelashes
  • Fake breasts
  • A fake weapon of some sort – exposed or not


  • Use (or borrow a friend’s) old bridesmaid’s dress
  • Scour the second hand shops and garage sales
  • Try the clearance racks in a department store right after a high school dance (like prom or homecoming)
  • Dress up any outfit or gown by adding beading, cording, fancy fabrics, fringe, etc. (Stich witchery and hot glue make great non-sew adhesives.)
  • Not the right color? Take a can of spray paint to the dress.

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Decoration Ideas

How to deck out your Mystery Manor for the Memorial

Setting the Scene

Creating Your Entrance


Creating an Entrance to Your Millionaire Murder Mystery Game

  • Have a red carpet runner leading up to the entrance.
  • A “R” Monogram on the door (or use one that comes with the mystery kit). – Purchase a wood or cardboard “R” from a local craft store and spray paint it gold.

Have a sign for Mystery Manor (print out the sign included with the mystery).

  • Outdoors, create a family graveyard (insructions on how to make your own authentic tombstones in the packet.) – Don’t forget to put the tomb of Rick Rochester – Add another tombstone with your party’s date and no name or a “?” on it.

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Inside the Party Space

Inside the Party Space

  • Have a table to memorialize Rick Rochester. Include pictures of the late millionaire.

• Hang art (ficticous or real) around the venue to simulate Rick Rochester’s art gallery.- Create small placards with the frames so that it looks like authentic artwork in a gallery or museum.- Find inexpensive picture frames and spray paint them gold. – Print pictures or famous artwork from the internet to place into your frames.

• Glam up the inside with a can of gold spray paint. Paint wine bottles, candlesticks, old vases (and add flowers – fake or real), etc.

• Cover the furniture with white sheets, as if the house is now abandoned and unused.

• Hang spider webs in the corners of Mystery Manor.

• Have a vase of dead flowers as a centerpiece to add to the erie atmosphere.
— You can sometimes get old or dead flowers from a florist for no charge.

• Create a “scene of the crime” with a taped outline, fake evidence and a bloodstain – all roped off with caution or crime scene tape.

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Setting the Table

Setting Your Table

  • Elegance is key!
  • Use linen table cloths.
  • Tea lights.
  • Fancy table runner.
  • Candleabra.
  • Spray paint random things gold to add a flare for the elite. Use as table decorations.
  • Use chargers with your place settings.
  • Gold plates and plasticware.
  • Have a printed menu (included with the mystery) at their setting.

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Lighting – Setting the Mood


  • Tea lights — To add a shimmering effect, place them on mirrored circles (found at your local craft shop) or simply cover cardboard with aluminum foil and place the tea lights on top of them.
  • White twinkly lights
  • White paper lanterns
  • Candles
  • Chandeliers
  • Candleabras


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Utilizing The Extras


  • Name cards for your guests
  • Personalized menus
  • Recipe and directions to make some killer chiller glasses
  • Designed labels to put on wine bottles for awards
  • and MORE!

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Create a Photo Spot

Create a Photo Spot! 

Give your guests an unforgettable souvenir by setting up a photo area where they can capture a picture of themselves in character.

A few suggestions:
• Pick a place where there will be good lighting.

• You can make it as elaborate or simple as you want.

• Accessories and decorations can make the difference. Have some extra props on hand that your guests can pose with. Consider extra captain’s hats, feather boas, tiaras, lifesavers, large sunglasses, anchors, etc.

• An easy way to create a background is to use a “scene setter.” These affordable rolls of images transform your room instantly and make for a good backdrop to your picture.

• Make sure there is enough room to fit everyone in to the frame.

• For individual shots of guests, designate someone to be in charge of pictures as your guests arrive.
o Consider your character list and which character would fit the role of taking the picture. Ie, if you want mug shots, perhaps ask the investigator to be in charge of taking the pictures.

• For a group picture, take one just before the introduction is read or right after the solution is read (before people may start heading out).
o These are two times when you can count on everyone being around and attentive.

BACKDROP IDEAS for your Murder of a Millionaire photo spot

• Create a line-up board and take pictures of all of your suspects. Line-up board included with mystery materials. 

• Use scene setters to make a simple background.

• Use props to enhance the photos. Have things like top hats, boas, big sunglasses, etc. for your guests to pose with.

• Paint your own back drop to pose in front of!

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Setting the Scene

Food & Music

Look here for lovely ideas on what to serve for your Murder of a Millionaire fare.



A Fancy Feast

In honor of your favorite millionaire with impeccable taste, you can consider serving some of the finest food from elegant hors d’eurves to a delectable dinner at your millionaire murder mystery game.

Try some of these links for: – Elegant Appetizers  – Gourmet Main Dishes – Divine Desserts

Spooky Treats to Eat


All the fixin’s for a terrifying feast. Including Awful Arachnids, Eerie Eyeballs, Freaky Witches’ Fingers, Brittle Merangue Bones, Savory Brain Shrimp Spread, Deviled Eggs, Decayed Corpse Chips with Entrail Salsa, Spicy Bat Wings and more… Click here.


• Fingerprint Cookies

• A murderous cake (simply insert a butcher knife into any cake and drape red food gel along it)

• Knifed red velvet cupcakes

• A bleeding cake

A killer Cake ( Or Cupcakes )

• Elegance is key!

• Use linen table cloths.

• Tea lights.

• Fancy table runner.

• Candelabra.

• Spray paint random things gold to add a flare for the elite. Use as table decorations.

• Use chargers with your place settings.

• Gold plates and plasticware.

• Have a printed menu (included with the mystery) at their setting.

Utilizing The Extras


• Name cards for your guests

• Personalized menus

• Recipe and directions to make some killer chiller glasses

• Designed labels to put on wine bottles for awards

• and MORE!

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Click on the image to get to our Spotify Playlist for this party!

SPOOKY MUSIC– If haunting and howling is what you want for the backdrop of your party, you can find a variety of Halloween music at stores or at your library. To download some free riffs, find them here.

HORROR SCORE MUSIC– Download some free music scores from some horror flicks. Find it here. Or try a cd of music. Find it here.

ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW– A musical score for a spooky party. Find it here.

CLASSICAL MUSIC– To add a touch of elegance to this high society get-together, you may want to try some of the classics. Find it here.

FREE MUSIC– If you are looking to keep costs low, you can always visit your local library to find the perfect musical score for your party

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Host Information

Look here for more ideas on how to accentuate THIS theme and put your party over the top!!!

Theme Ideas

To accentuate the idea of the coming to the memorial, you can…

Have a tombstone to honor the beloved.

• Make another tombstone with a “?” and your party date on it (for the one who will perish at the party)!

• Directions on making tombstones included in mystery materials.

Create a memorial to him in the party space as well.

• Use a picture off the internet, or of a dear friend who couldn’t attend the party, to portray Rick Rochester.

• Have a guest book and have everyone sign in and note their favorite (fictitious) memory of the lost.

Create a crime scene.

• Evidence markers included in the mystery materials.

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Create a Photo Spot

Create a Photo Spot! 

Give your guests an unforgettable souvenir by setting up a photo area where they can capture a picture of themselves in character.

A few suggestions:
• Pick a place where there will be good lighting.

• You can make it as elaborate or simple as you want.

• Accessories and decorations can make the difference. Have some extra props on hand that your guests can pose with. Consider extra captain’s hats, feather boas, tiaras, lifesavers, large sunglasses, anchors, etc.

• An easy way to create a background is to use a “scene setter.” These affordable rolls of images transform your room instantly and make for a good backdrop to your picture.

• Make sure there is enough room to fit everyone in to the frame.

• For individual shots of guests, designate someone to be in charge of pictures as your guests arrive.
o Consider your character list and which character would fit the role of taking the picture. Ie, if you want mug shots, perhaps ask the investigator to be in charge of taking the pictures.

• For a group picture, take one just before the introduction is read or right after the solution is read (before people may start heading out).
o These are two times when you can count on everyone being around and attentive.

BACKDROP IDEAS for your Murder of a Millionaire photo spot

• Create a line-up board and take pictures of all of your suspects. Line-up board included with mystery materials. 

• Use scene setters to make a simple background.

• Use props to enhance the photos. Have things like top hats, boas, big sunglasses, etc. for your guests to pose with.

• Paint your own back drop to pose in front of!

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Utilizing the Extras


• How to make tombstones

• Signs for Mystery Manor

• Line-up board for mugshots

• Copies of the Family Tree

• Name cards for your guests

• Personalized menus

• Recipe and directions to make some killer chiller glasses

• Designed labels to put on wine bottles for awards

• and MORE!

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Win a Free Party

Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party!

To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email

Don’t forget to add all the important details and party highlights that made your party one to remember! We love to hear about all of the hard work you, as host, put into your party. From the decor to the food, costumes, whatever. As well as how you and your guests acted (and reacted!) throughout the night! Everything that made your party one your guests will never forget — tell us about it! And be sure to attach some pictures!!!

Upon submitting, we will email you back a coupon to use for $5 off your next party AND enter you in our “Party of the Month” contest, where you could win a FREE party! Once submitted, you will not have to resubmit, but will be entered EVERY MONTH until your party wins!

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All of the information regarding how to run your Murder of a Millionaire party can be found online at Night of Mystery. We highly suggest that you take time to look over our website and download the Murder of a Millionaire preview file. Upon reading the introduction file of this millionaire murder mystery game, it will give you a better understanding about how the parties are run and what to expect once you purchase a full mystery file.

If you still have question, the Frequently Asked Questions page at Night of Mystery is a great resource or you can contact us.

Since our games are custom written for the size of the party (ie, we don’t just create a mystery with 8 characters and then keep adding more characters to it), each mystery size is unique unto itself. That being said, going from 10-15 version to 15-20 version, will not only add in more characters, but it will change the storylines of the existing characters, and vice-versa in going from a larger version to a smaller one.

Because of this, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST you get a guest count before formally ordering. You can do so by downloading an invitation, inviting your guests and then purchasing your mystery once you have a more accurate number of people attending. Unfortunately, if you find yourself purchasing the wrong sized party, you will have to purchase another version of the mystery for the size you want unless you are moving from the 15-20 version to the 20+ version.

You can download an invitation here before ordering.

For even more party planning ideas, check out our Murder of a Millionaire Pinterest Board here.

Once you order, in your mystery packet you will receive directions and/or printables to make unique and original decorations specific to your party! Included will be:

• DESIGNED DINNER MENUS (you can personalize with your menu items)
• WINE BOTTLE LABELS (to use as awards!)

Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party!

To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email

Don’t forget to add all the important details and party highlights that made your party one to remember! We love to hear about all of the hard work you, as host, put into your party. From the decor, to the food, costumes, whatever. As well as how you and your guests acted (and reacted!) throughout the night! Everything that made your party one your guests will never forget — tell us about it! And be sure to attach some pictures!!!

Upon submitting, we will email you back a coupon to use for $5 off your next party AND enter you in our “Party of the Month” contest, where you could win a FREE party! One submitted, you will not have to resubmit, but will be entered EVERY MONTH until your party wins!

Check out some of our past winners here! Night of Mystery POM Blogs

Thanks again for hosting with Night of Mystery and we can’t wait to hear all about your party!!!

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