Murder At The Juice Joint
Facts of the case
Guest Info
Everything you need to know about the Juice Joint, its patrons, the latest dance craze and how to best talk with your fellow party-goers at this 1920s murder mystery game!
Prime Suspects: Juice Joint Regulars
Rosie Marie—Juice Joint Owner. As the widow to Louie Marie, the original Juice Joint owner, Rosie not only inherited a gold mine but the power that comes with it. It is hard to say, is Rosie out to avenge her husband’s death or capitalize on it?
Notorious Nick Nemetz—North Side Mob Boss. Since the rise of organized crime, Nick’s operation has done nothing but prosper. With Nick having so much power, he seems to have a lot going for (and against) him.
Natalie Nemetz—Notorious Nick’s Sister. Annoyed by her brother’s over-protective nature, Natalie has kept more than secrets from Nick.
Mugsy Malone—North Side Henchman. As Nick’s right-hand man, Mugsy has worked hard to gain his position in the operation and will stop at nothing to keep it.
Cy Ramsey—Juice Joint Bouncer and North Side Gang Member. Cy’s success in Nick’s operation could be considered a threat to those in the operation….and to those opposing it.
Kitty Cocktail—Cocktail Waitress. As Cy’s main squeeze, Kitty will do anything to help advance her boyfriend in his chosen career.
Southside Sal—South Side Mob Boss. It is no secret that Sal has been making a push to expand his territory. The real secret may be who is working with him
Flora Nemetz-Gadora—Notorious Nick’s Ex-wife. Caught cheating, Nick divorced Flora immediately a month ago. Left without anything, Flora’s romantic interest has shifted from one mob boss to another.
Hal Hollywood—Movie Director. Hal is in town to cast for his next project—the first talking picture. Since this project will be one that makes history, Hal is taking his time in casting his lead lady, for he knows his decision will have a lasting impact.
Molly Moll—Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend. One of the most popular women in town, Molly had no interest in Nick until she realized what he could do for her movie career.
Dina Diva—Juice Joint Singer. Dina’s voice and stage presence seem to be exactly what Hal is looking for. Dina won’t let anyone come between her and her dreams of starring on the big screen.
Mayor Biggs—Mayor. As the head of the city, the Mayor’s power is what many seek. However, is it the Mayor who is really calling the shots or are the decisions coming from someone else?
Mabel Biggs—Mayor’s Wife. Mabel considers herself the brains behind the Mayor and she will not let him do anything that could ruin his political career.
Chief Cameron—Police Chief. As the city’s main law enforcement officer, Cameron enforces the Mayor’s decisions…but whose side are they really on?
Cindy Butt—Cigarette Girl. Responsible for ruining many lives, Cindy doesn’t stop at spreading rumors to get her way.
Bernie Booze—Bootlegger. Bernie had one of the most successful bootlegging businesses in town before Notorious Nick had them blacklisted. Will Bernie’s business end up dying for their mistake or will someone else?
Gino Gin—Bartender. As the eyes & ears of The Juice Joint, Gino may know more than they let on.
Flirty Flapper—Juice Joint Patron. It is no secret that Flirty desires a man with power and she will stop at nothing to get it.
Anna Marie—Rosie’s daughter. Still mourning the loss of her father, Louie Marie, Anna is ready to seek revenge at whatever cost.
P.I. Pinkerton—Investigator. As the private detective on the scene, P.I.’s job will be to take charge and decipher the clues and reveal the truth.
** Some names and characters may or may not be included in your version.
Gangster Gazette
Talk the Talk: Gangster Glossary
In addition to offering alcohol, some speakeasies operated as nightclubs with music, dance, gambling and other entertainments for guests. In order to avoid detection, you often had to enter a speakeasy by the back door and provide a password to enter. These restrictions were designed to admit only select elite clientele and used to keep government agents out.
Flapper in the 1920s was a term applied to a “new breed” of young Western women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior. Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking, treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms.
Won’t you Charleston with me ?
The Charleston originated in the early 20’s in illegal drinking places during the time of prohibition. The combination of a particular type of jazz music and the highly polished, slippery floors of the Speakeasies gave rise to an in and out flicking of the feet which essentially characterized the dance.
If you don’t see the video below, refresh your browser!
If you don’t see the video below, refresh your browser!
Follow this link to learn how to Dance the Charleston.
One of our hosts chose to teach her crew the Charleston
And even had a Juice Joint Singer!!!
Where to Find Costumes?
Determined to make a splash at the speakeasy? Need to jazz up your wardrobe for that swanky Juice Joint shindig? Look no further! We’ve got the bee’s knees in flapper frills and gangster garb to make you the cat’s meow.
Everything you need to know about the Juice Joint, its patrons, the latest dance craze and how to best talk with your fellow party-goers at this 1920s murder mystery game!
Costume Gallery
Inspired by the glamour and intrigue of the 1920s speakeasy scene, with a touch of mystery and danger. The costumes should evoke the atmosphere of a time when prohibition was in full swing, and everyone was trying to let loose and have a good time while remaining undetected by the law.
Flappers Accessories:
- Long Beads
- Feather Boas
- Sequined Headbands
- Feather Headbands
- Cigarette Holders
- Bobbed Wigs (see below)
- Garter (gun optional)
- Fishnet Leggings
- Fringe on your dress
- Fake Eyelashes
Complete any outfit with a number of accessories that scream 1920s. You can find a number of these around the house or at your local thrift store or follow the links to order them online.
- Mustache
- Suit Vest
- Suspenders
- Tie
- Cigar
- Fedora
- Holster with Gun
Flapper Hairstyles
Flapper hairstyles of the 1920s were known for their short, sleek, and rebellious look, reflecting the spirit of the Roaring Twenties. Here are some classic 1920s flapper hairstyles and inspiration for women:
The Bob: The most iconic hairstyle of the era was the bob. It was typically a short, blunt-cut style that ended at or just below the chin. Some women even went for a shorter, jaw-length bob.
The Shingle Bob: A variation of the bob, the shingle bob was even shorter at the back and sides, often exposing the nape of the neck. It was a daring and modern look at the time.
The Eton Crop: This was an even shorter version of the bob, inspired by the men’s Eton haircut. It was extremely short, with a boyish and androgynous appeal.
Finger Waves: Finger waves were a popular styling technique in the 1920s. They involved creating “S” or “C” shaped waves in the hair close to the scalp. Finger waves could be incorporated into various lengths of hair, including bobs.
Marcel Waves: Marcel waves were another wave pattern that was created using a heated curling iron. This style was characterized by deep, regular waves and was often seen on flapper hairstyles.
Fluffy and Feathered: Some flapper hairstyles had a slightly softer and more voluminous look. These hairstyles involved adding a bit of volume and texture to the hair, creating a more ethereal appearance.
Headbands and Accessories: Flappers often adorned their short hair with headbands, cloche hats, and other accessories. These added a touch of glam and personality to their hairstyles.
The Boyish Look: Many women in the 1920s embraced a more androgynous style, and some even went for very short, almost buzzed, hairstyles, which contributed to the “boyish” look.
To achieve these styles, women often used hairpins, combs, and hair products like pomade to keep their hair in place. It’s important to note that these styles were considered quite daring and unconventional for the time, as they defied traditional long hair norms. Flapper hairstyles were a symbol of the changing societal norms and women’s increasing independence during the 1920s.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can search for images of iconic flappers like Louise Brooks and Clara Bow, who sported these classic 1920s hairstyles. Additionally, you can find various tutorials and guides online to help you recreate these vintage looks for special occasions or themed events.
Decoration Ideas
Setting the Scene
Creating Your Entrance
Creating Your Entrance
There are several ways to decorate for your party, but the most authentic way would be to set up your space to resemble a speakeasy.
Secret Entrances: Have the guest enter by the side door instead of the Front Door. Many Speakeasies had secret/side entrances to avoid calling attention to themselves.
Peephole: Use a peephole in the door before letting your guests in.
Passwords to Get In! Have the guests use a secret password to get in. If the guests do not know or can’t remember the password, make them do something (sing a silly tune, do jumping jacks, etc.) to enter your private club.
Liquor Crates: Make your own crates (boxes) of bootlegged liquor. Included in the Murder at The Juice Joint mystery are 6 label designs. Simply download and print out these labels we’ve designed for you onto craft paper and paste them onto the sides of boxes. You can place the boxes outside or in your speakeasy to help set the mood.
Old Liquor Bottles: Adhere the labels that are included in the mystery to bottles of liquor (empty or full) to add to the old-time feel of an authentic speakeasy.
Wanted Posters: Create “WANTED” posters for felons coming to the party – Southside Sal, Notorious Nick, and Mugsy Malone – to name a few. (Included with the mystery when you order Murder at The Juice Joint mystery.
Old-fashioned Car: If you have access to a vintage car from the 1920s or even just a prop that looks like one, park it near the entrance.
Gangster Silhouettes: Place life-size silhouettes or cardboard cutouts of gangsters and flappers by the entrance.
Jazz Music: Play some soft jazz music near the entrance. The sultry sounds of a saxophone or a slow jazz number can instantly transport guests to the 1920s.
Frisking Station: Set up your own frisking station where your bouncer (Cy Ramsey) will frisk for weapons!
Inside Your Party Space
Inside Your Party Space
Art Deco Designs and SIgns: These printable designs (and more) are included in your Murder at The Juice Joint packet when you order. Simply print them out to make signs for your Juice Joint.
Gangster Photos: Hang autographed pictures of the famous gangsters of the times. Included with the mystery.
Old Bottles and Crates: Make vintage liquor bottles and/or bootlegging crates using the materials included with the mystery. This will help add to the ambiance of your Juice Joint.
Bullet-filled Walls: Shower your walls with bullet holes (clings) to remind your guests of past events that have gone down at The Juice Joint.
Feather Boas & Pearls: Drape some feather boas and strands of pearls around the area, or even on a table nearby where guests can borrow and wear them to get into the theme.
Fringe & Tassels: Use draped fabrics with fringes around tables, chairs, or as curtains. Tassel garlands can be hung across walls or ceilings.
Speakeasy Bar: Set up a vintage-looking Juice Joint bar with period cocktails like the Sidecar, Bee’s Knees, and Gin Rickey. Use ornate decanters, crystal glasses, and vintage cocktail shakers. Use the vintage bottles to accentuate the bar. Labels included with mystery purchase.
Chalkboard Menus: List out the night’s drinks or event schedule on chalkboards with art deco lettering.
Dance Floor: Encourage some roaring ’20s dance with a designated dance floor, perhaps with a tutorial on the Charleston!
Smoke & Mirrors: Use fog machines for a smoky effect and place vintage mirrors around the room to add depth and intrigue.
Casino Tables: Set up tables for gambling– since the Juice Joint IS where Notorious Nick runs some of his gambling rackets!
Beaded Curtains: Use beaded curtains for guests to walk through your party space, reminiscent of the era’s opulence.
Silent Films: Project silent films from the 1920s on a wall or screen for added ambiance.
Creating Your Photo Spot
Creating Your Photo Spot
Give your guests an unforgettable souvenir by setting up a photo area where they can capture a picture of themselves in character.
A few suggestions:
Lighting: Pick a place where there will be good lighting.
Props: Accessories and decorations can make a difference. Have some extra props on hand that your guests can pose with. Some suggestions include: Feather Boas, Pearl Necklaces, Fedora Hats & Flat Cap, Headbands with Feathers, Toy Tommy Guns, Cigarette Holders, Faux Fur Stoles, Fans (Feather or Lace), Moustaches & Monocles, Prop Money, or come up with your own!
Backdrop: An easy way to create a background is to use a “scene setter.” These affordable rolls of images transform your room instantly and make for a good backdrop to your picture.
Space: Make sure there is enough room to fit everyone into the frame.
• For individual shots of guests, designate someone to be in charge of pictures as your guests arrive.
o, Consider your character list and which character would fit the role of taking the picture. I.e., if you want mugshots, perhaps ask the investigator to be in charge of taking the pictures.
• For a group picture, take one just before the introduction is read or right after the solution is read (before people may start heading out).
o These are two times when you can count on everyone being around and attentive
BACKDROP IDEAS for the Juice Joint theme
Police Line-up: Create a police lineup background and have everyone pose with a suspect board (included with mystery). This is especially fun if you want to have everyone pose for their own mug shot.
Vintage backdrop: Create a corner with props from the time period and pose with them.
Make It Shimmer: Use a gold curtain or door
Art Deco Pattern: Use a room roll backdrop with an art deco pattern to give the seamless feel of the time period.
Props: You can always have additional props for posing in pictures to add to the fun!
Whatever you do, the fact that you have put forth effort will encourage your guests to pose and create memory keepsakes that will last a lifetime!
Setting The Table
Elements to consider when setting your Juice Joint table
- Small, Intimate Tables: Speakeasies were about intimate gatherings, so use smaller round tables that seat four to six people to create a sense of closeness.
- Banquette Seating: If possible, incorporate banquette seating against one wall to mimic the coziness of a hidden speakeasy.
- Dark Linens: Use dark tablecloths or table linens to give a moody and intimate vibe.
- Velvet Accents: Incorporate velvet runners or place mats to add texture and a touch of luxury.
- Low Lighting: Keep the lighting low and warm to mimic the dim ambiance of a speakeasy.
- Candles: Use candles in vintage holders or small clusters of votive candles to create soft lighting.
- Edison Bulbs: Suspend Edison bulbs overhead for a vintage look, if possible.
- Vintage Plates: Mix and match vintage plates for an eclectic, curated feel.
Metallic Accents: Incorporate gold or silver charger plates to add a touch of elegance.
Cloth Napkins: Use cloth napkins with art deco patterns, secured with ornate napkin rings.
Highlight Your Menu: Use the designed menu, included in your mystery purchase, to feature your 1920s-inspired dishes with Art Deco fonts and embellishments.
To pull the theme through even more, serve food reminiscent of the 1920s and/or name your food consistent with the theme. See Menu Ideas for more examples.
Some ideas for creative food names: Capone’s Capers, Flapper’s Fritters, Bootlegger’s Bruschetta, Speakeasy Stuffed Mushrooms,The Bee’s Knees Chicken, Jazzed-Up Jambalaya, etc.
Low Lighting: Keep lighting dim and atmospheric with table lamps, candlesticks, and chandeliers. Utilize:
String lights
Edison bulbs
Candlelit centerpieces
Tea Lights
White twinkly lights
White paper lanterns
Tasseled Umbrellas & Lamp Posts: Set up a couple of vintage lamp posts (or imitation ones) with tasseled umbrellas leaning against them, reminiscent of the streets during that era.
Smoke & Mirrors: Use fog machines for a smoky effect and place vintage mirrors around the room to add depth and intrigue.
Consider colored light bulbs in rooms for a dramatic effect – a soft amber or red hue might do the trick!
A popular color scheme for your party is gold and black. This scheme echoes the opulence and luxury of the Roaring Twenties. Gold represents the extravagant and lavish, while black adds sophistication and a touch of mystery.
To pull the theme through, consider:
Table Settings: Use gold chargers beneath black plates, black tablecloths with gold runners, and gold napkins.
Balloons: Create balloon bouquets or arches alternating between black and gold. Consider using helium-filled balloons with long, gold ribbons hanging down.
Wall Decor: Use gold-framed art deco patterns on the walls, perhaps alternating with black and white photos from the 1920s.
Bar Area: Black tablecloths or counters highlighted with gold cocktail shakers, gold-rimmed glasses, and golden trays.
Lighting: Use black candle holders with gold candles or black lampshades with gold interiors.
Costumes & Props: Encourage guests to wear black dresses/tuxedos with gold accessories. Use gold feather boas, gold beads, and black fedoras as props.
Signage: Black boards with gold art deco lettering, or vice versa.
Confetti & Glitter: Scatter gold confetti or glitter on tables for added sparkle.
Spray Paint: A little can go a long, long way.
– Spray paint novelty items, vases, old wine bottles, etc. to help bring out the color theme and add inexpensive decoration to your party.
Tablecloths: They cover a lot of area and, whether plastic or fabric, they help pull through the colors of your choice.
– Accentuate your tablecloth with the alternative color by using paint pens or fabric paint to paint on decorative accents.
Setting the Scene
Menu Ideas
What did average Americans eat in the 1920s?
Food historians tell us we had a sweet tooth, a taste for the exotic, and a well-developed sense of ordered creativity. Translation? Fruit cocktails, Pineapple upside-down cake, and Jell-O molds. Tea sandwiches, fancy salads, and chafing-dish recipes were also “in.”
Serving a large crowd? Here are some affordable choices that were popular in that decade.
• Molded/fruited Jello salads, fruit cocktail, sliced pineapples & bananas (maraschino cherry ok)
• Deviled eggs, celery, olives, pickles, salted nuts (almonds, pecans, peanuts, filberts)
• Breadsticks, Parker House rolls, saltine-type crackers, potato chips
• Caesar salad, Waldorf salad
• Finger sandwiches…peanut butter & jelly, ham, turkey, chicken salad, tomato, egg salad, cream cheese
• Fried chicken, baked ham
• Pineapple Upside-down cake, angel or devil’s food cakes, ice cream & chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding.
• Canned peaches work well.
The 1920s were the era of elegant food and elaborate presentation. If you are a master chef and/or want to treat your guests to authentic fare from the times, you may want to consider this lavish menu from the period.
Appetizers — Gravlax Canapés • Shrimp Canapés • Oysters on the Half Shell• Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Sides — Tomato Onion Panade • Smashed Red Potatoes • Broccoli and Cauliflower with Garlic and Oil • Rice Pilaf
Main — Beef Tenderloin with Marinated Walnut Sauce • Chicken Amandine• Rack of Lamb with Mustard Sauce • Magret of Duck with Fig and Port Sauce
Dessert — Vanilla Rice Pudding • Chocolate Mousse Truffle Cups • Create your own fruit salad
With the advent of cheaply-made illegal alcohol during Prohibition, they quickly became popular, often to cover the taste of the inferior alcohol. Fashionable parties with fashionable drinks.
Not sure what to serve at your Juice Joint? Here’s where we found some great recipes for cocktails from that time period.
• Gin Fizz
If alcohol isn’t on the menu, consider the popular beverages of the time:
• Soft drinks garnished with fruit & fruit juices (ginger ale with maraschino cherry juice, decorated with cherries)
• Ginger Ale
• Coca-Cola
• Kool-Aid
• Lemonade
• Punch
• Orange Pekoe Tea
Spotify Playlist
Other Music Ideas
An early type of jazz, in vogue from about 1895 to 1920, usually written out rather than improvised. Most ragtime was played on the piano. Scott Joplin was the most famous composer of ragtime. Find it here.
The jazz decade saw the emergence of many of the great figures who defined the music for the world. Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Earl Hines, Bix Beiderbecke, Fats Waller, Jack Teagarden, Fletcher Henderson – these giants set the standards for blues singing, big band arrangements, and solo improvisation that are the foundations for jazz. Find it here.
Originated in the early 20’s in illegal drinking places during the time of prohibition. The combination of a particular type of jazz music and the highly polished, slippery floors of the Speakeasies gave rise to an in and out flicking of the feet which essentially characterized the dance. See downloadable instructions above. Find it here.
A form of jazz music that developed during the 1920s. Swing is distinguished by a strong rhythm section, medium to fast tempo, and the distinctive swing time rhythm that is common to many forms of jazz. Find it here.
Try your local library for a number of compilations from the time.
Host Information
Have a Dance Contest!
Have a Dance Contest!
The Charleston originated in the early 20’s in illegal drinking places during the time of prohibition. The combination of a particular type of jazz music and the highly polished, slippery floors of the Speakeasies gave rise to an in and out flicking of the feet which essentially characterized the dance.
If you don’t see the video below, refresh your browser!
Follow this link to learn how to Dance the Charleston.
One of our hosts chose to teach her crew the Charleston and even SING!
Pinterest Board
Pinterest Board
For even more party planning ideas, check out our Murder at The Juice Joint Pinterest Board here. It is filled with ideas for recipes, costumes, decorations, etc. for the perfect Murder at The Juice Joint party!
Creating Your Photo Spot
Creating Your Photo Spot
Give your guests an unforgettable souvenir by setting up a photo area where they can capture a picture of themselves in character.
A few suggestions:
• Pick a place where there will be good lighting.
• Accessories and decorations can make a difference. Have some extra props on hand that your guests can pose with.
• An easy way to create a background is to use a “scene setter.” These affordable rolls of images transform your room instantly and make for a good backdrop to your picture.
• Make sure there is enough room to fit everyone into the frame.
• For individual shots of guests, designate someone to be in charge of pictures as your guests arrive.
o, Consider your character list and which character would fit the role of taking the picture. I.e., if you want mug shots, perhaps ask the investigator to be in charge of taking the pictures.
• For a group picture, take one just before the introduction is read or right after the solution is read (before people may start heading out).
o These are two times when you can count on everyone being around and attentive.
Utilize ALL the Extras
Utilize ALL the Extras
Once you order, in your mystery packet you will receive directions and/or printables to make unique and original decorations specific to your party!
Included will be:
- How to make a Styrofoam brick wall
- Liquor crate labels (6 designs)
- Juice Joint Graphics (7 designs)
- DESIGNED MENU (1 design you can personalize with your menu items)
- POLICE LINE-UP BOARD (A design you can personalize with your own party date)
And More…
Win a FREE Party!
Win a FREE Party!
Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party!
To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party,
please email
Don’t forget to add all the important details and party highlights that made your party one to remember! We love to hear about all of the hard work you, as host, put into your party. From the decor to the food, costumes, whatever. As well as how you and your guests acted (and reacted!) throughout the night! Everything that made your party one your guests will never forget — tell us about it! And be sure to attach some pictures!!!
Upon submitting, we will email you back a coupon to use for $5 off your next party AND enter you in our “Party of the Month” contest, where you could win a FREE party! Once submitted, you will not have to resubmit, but will be entered EVERY MONTH until your party wins!
Check out some of our past winners here! Night of Mystery POM Blogs
If you still have question, the Frequently Asked Questions page at Night of Mystery is a great resource or you can contact us.
Since our games are custom written for the size of the party (ie, we don’t just create a mystery with 8 characters and then keep adding more characters to it), each mystery size is unique unto itself. That being said, going from 10-15 version to 15-20 version, will not only add in more characters, but it will change the storylines of the existing characters, and vice-versa in going from a larger version to a smaller one.
Because of this, WE STRONGLY SUGGEST you get a guest count before formally ordering. You can do so by downloading an invitation, inviting your guests and then purchasing your mystery once you have a more accurate number of people attending. Unfortunately, if you find yourself purchasing the wrong sized party, you will have to purchase another version of the mystery for the size you want unless you are moving from the 15-20 version to the 20+ version.
You can download an invitation here before ordering.
– Look above on this page in the Costumes, Decorations and Food & Music tabs.
– Be sure to check out our Murder at The Juice Joint Pinterest Board that is filled with ideas for recipes, costumes, decorations, etc.
– All of the *Extras* that come with the mystery!!! (see below for more info!)
Once you order, in your mystery packet you will receive directions and/or printables to make unique and original decorations specific to your party!
- Included will be:
– DESIGNED MENU (1 design you can personalize with your menu items)
– POLICE LINE-UP BOARD (1 design you can personalize with your own party date)
Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party!
To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email
Don’t forget to add all the important details and party highlights that made your party one to remember! We love to hear about all of the hard work you, as host, put into your party. From the decor, to the food, costumes, whatever. As well as how you and your guests acted (and reacted!) throughout the night! Everything that made your party one your guests will never forget — tell us about it! And be sure to attach some pictures!!!
Upon submitting, we will email you back a coupon to use for $5 off your next party AND enter you in our “Party of the Month” contest, where you could win a FREE party! One submitted, you will not have to resubmit, but will be entered EVERY MONTH until your party wins!
Check out some of our past winners here! Night of Mystery POM Blogs
Thanks again for hosting with Night of Mystery and we can’t wait to hear all about your party!!!