
In an era of decadence and delight, the Gatsbys are known to throw the most elaborate and exquisite parties on West Egg, and this weekend will be no different.

With society’s most notable and notorious set to attend, it is going to be a soiree to die for … Until someone actually does!

As the party progresses the guests will be asked to inspect, interrogate and investigate in order to uncover the killer.

Will it be the savvy songbird with silver screen dreams? A corrupt chief who pulls strings in the city?
A dainty doll with a dangerous side? Or maybe the bold Bruno who ends up in bracelets?

With more motives than a moll’s got minks, it will be up to the guests to find the gunsel before the night is through.

You’d be a real sap to skip out on this crafty
and canny caper!

The Cast

*Note that the cast listed below is provided only to give an idea of the types of roles available in this Gatsby murder mystery party, and is not presented in any order relevant to the plot. 
Not all cast members are included in every version.

Jay Gatsby


A war hero-turned-businessman, Jay has felt the need to pass the reins of the business on. Is it the demand of the work or the demands of his dame that have become too much?

Daisy Gatsby


This dainty doll has won the man of her dreams, and a lifestyle to match. It is rumored she won’t settle for less than perfect, but how far will she go to get it?

Mayor Gibson


With the right people in place, Mayor Gibson has managed to run a town unridden with crime - and will do everything to keep it that way.

Gertie Gibson

Mayor’s wife

A woman of power and prestige, you can’t tell if she is more proud of her son’s success as a boxer, or her continued title as Mayoress. There is little Gertie won’t (or hasn’t) done to get (or stay) in power.

Chief Curtis

Police Chief

As the Mayor’s right hand, Chief Curtis has been the brute behind the brawn. But how long is the chief willing to continue being overlooked and keep it that way?

Sid Foreman


The heavyweight boxing champion, Sid’s recent losing streak indicates he might be preoccupied by something, or someone, else. Sid may need to change his ways to get what he wants.

Billie Love

Hollywood Star

High Note


Tom Buchanan

Polo Player

Eddie Brewer



British Aristocrat

Freddie Franklin

Hollywood Producer

Gillie Griffith

Speakeasy Owner

Dazzy Vance

Baseball Player

Greta Gatsby


Nickie Money


Jazzy Jordan


Gerry Jenkins

Tabloid Reporter

Charlie Charge


Arnie Rothgreen


Crime Scenes

A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at actual Gatsby murder mystery party events hosted by our customers. 


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