
A social filled with sisterhood, scandal and sinister behavior!

As the semester draws to an end, and the pledges get ready to activate, the University’s Panhellenic Board cites the Kappa Kappa chapter for instances of “conduct unbecoming a Greek.” With the sorority house being seriously considered for disbandment, the sisters of Kappa Kappa have to consider deactivating a member in an effort to save their chapter.

Will it be the Recruitment Chair who is accused of pushing her pledges too far be expelled? Perhaps it will be the Social Chair who has been in charge of policing partying (or lack thereof)? Or possibly the pledge president whose plans for the future may be jeopardized by her actions of today?

As the evening proceeds, and the secrets of the Kappa Kappa sisters come out, an even bigger scandal is created when one Sister drops dead in this murder mystery for women party. In a race to find the murderer, no one knows who to trust, who to blame and who may be the next victim.

Time is essential for the survival of the Kappas… as a house, as well as individuals.

The Cast

*Note that the cast listed below is provided only to give an idea of the types of roles available, in this murder mystery for women party and not presented in any order relevant to the plot.
Not all cast members are included in every version. 

Hillary Hargrove


In charge of keeping the girls in order, Hillary will have some serious sleuthing to do if she is going to find a way to keep the Kappa Kappa house from being disbanded.

Sarah Details


While the duties of her office weigh heavily on Sarah, so does the future with her boyfriend. Can Sarah succeed in keeping her boyfriend and Kappa Kappa office?

Amanda Dollar


Responsible for the Kappa Kappa budget and payment of expenses, things haven’t been adding up recently, and Amanda needs to find out who is to blame.

Patty Party

Social Chair

Known to throw wildly successful and entertaining parties, Patty takes responsibility for the sorority’s popular reputation on campus. While this reputation attracts fun members, it also puts a target on Patty’s back!

Chastity Turner

Philanthropy Chair

With more service hours and donations than any past Philanthropy Chair, Chastity is a legend in her own mind. But when the numbers stop adding up, she will have some explaining to do.

Rita Clinton

Recruitment Chair

Pinned by her beau earlier this week, Rita’s future looks bright… if she can survive the allegations of hazing brought by her pledges.

Perfect Pam

Panhellenic Representative

Betsy Grades


Penny Pledger

Pledge President

Darla Darling


Allison Almighty


Heather Hancock

Active Legacy

Elizabeth Money


Connie Cartwright

Legacy pledge

Carla Darling



House Mom

Prudence Smith


Dakota Pita


Samantha Johnson


Hazel Green


Crime Scenes

A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at actual versions of this murder mystery for women party hosted by our customers.


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