
A Delirious Evening Filled with Deceit, Divas and Dirty Secrets!

With Mindy Mintjulius, a hot designer diva, preparing to don a wedding gown, Mindy’s gal pals have planned for one final night out on the town. As the important people of the bachelorette’s past and present gather to celebrate her future, one guest will fall victim and end the night without a future at all…

In a party filled with menacing models, resentful relatives and competitive co-workers, there is only that will be found guilty and forbidden to go free.

Will it be the jealous sister who desires to be a bridesmaid? The unsuspecting employee who was overlooked for a promotion? The veteran model that is vindicating her spot on the runway? Or possibly the mother of the groom that is as wicked as she is wealthy.

All the guests are guilty until proven innocent in this puzzling bachelorette murder mystery party filled vengeful vixens and ferocious fashionistas.

The Cast

*Note that the cast listed below is provided only to give an idea of the types of roles available in this bachelorette murder mystery party, and not presented in any order relevant to the plot.
Not all cast members are included in every version. 

Mindy Mintjulius


As the guest of honor, it is best that Mindy does not suspect that there are as many guests supporting the wedding as secretly opposing it.

Lindsey Loyal

Maid of Honor

It is Lindsey’s main objective to make sure that the wedding goes off without a hitch and she intends to stick to it!

Little Lizzie


Mindy’s little sister, Lizzie is the force that keeps her family together and she has no intention of changing that tonight!

Hillary Mintjulius

Bride's Older Sister

With Hillary’s rebellious past and recent change of attitude, it is hard to say exactly whose side she is truly on.

Mama Martha

Bride's Mother

Is Mama Martha’s peculiar behavior pre-wedding jitters, or is there more to her anxiety?

Rochelle Roberts

Groom's Mother

Although Rochelle endorsed the engagement of her son to Mindy, her recent actions have sent a different message.

Rita Roberts


Leslie Liplock

Fashion Model

Sarah Sew

Fashion Designer

Ivanna Story

Fashion Magazine Editor

Debra Details

Wedding Planner

Hannah Homemaker

Bride's Best Friend From High School

Fanny Fashion

Fashion Model

Clara Clerk


Betty Shutterbug

Fashion Photographer

Justice Jangle

Bride's Cousin

Sondra Supple

Bride's Friend

Holly Hott

Fashion Model

Public Pam

Publicity Manager

Linda Legal

Company Lawyer

Crime Scenes

A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at actual versions of this bachelorette murder mystery party hosted by our customers. 


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