Spring Special! Buy 3 mysteries, get 1 free!


Every month, we highlight a mystery description and pictures that someone has emailed us for a FREE party!!! Here is September’s winner! Find out how to enter and win yourself here!

For my birthday this year, I did a Terror in a Toga party. Definitely a step up from college days toga parties…

Initially, I was curious how many would be willing to dress up for a party that wasn’t Halloween but my guests certainly stepped up to the challenge!

Full on Roman costumes, beautifully dressed senator’s wives, even a faux belly for Fabiola.

Food was plentiful and very easy to theme with the party, lots of cheeses, fruit, build your own gyros and of course wine (because water wasn’t that great back then).

Decorating was a lot of fun and using the suggestions included with the party made for great ambiance.

Some got a little too into character, announcing repeatedly “I am better than all of you!”

It was the first time any of us had done a party like this and the overwhelming response from everyone was that they couldn’t wait to do one again, and that we set a pretty high bar for any following parties. All the intrigue, side stories, back alley wheeling and dealing and general character development made for a great night with so much fun had by everybody.

Click here for more pictures from this and other Terror in a Toga parties!!!

 Each month we highlight one of our customers who has posted on our blog and award them a FREE party! To get your $5 coupon AND be entered in the Party Of the Month contest for a chance to win a FREE party, please email your pictures and party description to:  nompartyofthemonth@gmail.com

Host Terror in Toga Mystery Party NOW!